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Highslide - what is it?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:09 pm
by uk_martin
I was having problems with image button links in my forum, which I suspected to be a BBCode issue.

In the end I've replaced the includes/bbcode.php with the same (pre-modded) file from the "plain vanilla" phpBB3.

Any idea as to what the code was that was causing the problem, and how having a plain vanilla bbcode.php file may affect the performance of my board? If it's something I can live without, then there's no problems, I just want to be sure that there won't be any surprises hiding around a corner.



Re: Highslide - what is it?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:00 pm
by LDM
No issues Martin. The highslide with bbcode.php edit would make all [img] open via highslide and some/most forums want linkable sigs etc, so using the default php file just stops highslide in that tag, but the mod still is present in the attachments.html meaning images posted in attachments will still use it.