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Migrated from Fedora to Windows

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:05 pm
by Mike8989
I ran both servers, I moved my data and database, edited my config file, Everything seemed to go off without a hitch until i tried to load the page....boom. White Screen of death. I did a little debugging. I started with the index.php commenting everything out and realized its failing the include of common.php and the other include one (thats as far as I went). It seems there is something really serious. Are there any other precautions I should have taken to migrate from linux to windows? Anything I am forgetting?

I reallllllly dont want to reinstall seeing how i have made so many painful mods seo, titles, etc. I really dont want to go through that all again. Does anyone have any idea what i can do?

Just realized there is a guide to switching over, i didnt check this option "Force server URL settings"
Could that be it?
Sorry if this doenst even apply, im grabbin at straws!

Also, does anyone know what extensions i need to be running in windowns? ANd magic quotes off right?

Thanks so much.

Re: Migrated from Fedora to Windows

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:22 am
by Mike8989
ahh, solid 9-5 in front of this mofo and finally got it working. Apparently when i zipped it up in fedora it duplicated some files and added #'s to everything in my .htaccess as well as encoding some other files in the wrong formats....
I resaved everything as UT-8 w/ BOM and took the #s out and Boom! works like a charm. I hope people can learn from this if it ever happens. If you have migrated and are getting WSODs and in your root have doubled files like index.php and index.php~, take those files with ~'s, and resave them over the real php pages with the proper encoding.